Monday, September 08, 2008


The time of beautiful sunsets is here. There is a beautiful display most evenings in the Northwestern corner of our view.

The house smells like tomato sauce constantly, as I have the crockpot going all the time. I can it in small batches when time permits and then process the next batch. There are several types of jams and chutneys on the shelves. I'm picking figs and apples. They sell quickly. I'm hoping to have enough left so that we can have some over the winter.

Wine bubbles in large carboys. When that is finished, it will be bottled and I'll start some more.

It's still hot during the day, but cool at night. The new crop of beans is doing well in the heat and peppers are producing. We got a brief burst of rain when the last hurricane hit the coast, but could use more. The trees have begun to turn color early this year.

We planted four new fruit trees.

The cows have had a little population explosion. New calves are so cute.

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

You sound incredibly busy!