Wednesday, April 02, 2014


Despite false starts and stops, it appears that Spring has made progress since my last post.

There was snow and cold less than a week ago, but today's temperatures will be in the 70s,  The red tips of peony plants have emerged.  Bunches of daffodils bloom in long lines around the farm.  The apricot tree has pink blossoms and fine green leaves are beginning to appear on trees and bushes.

It seems it was all alive under the snow just waiting for the trigger of the light to come back to life.  I get the concept of resurrection in the Spring.  I also get the concept of eggs as a symbol.  The chickens and ducks are laying prolifically.  Old Honky gander is once again cranky and mean as he protects old Wifey and her eggs.

I peel an inch layer of hard manure off the barn hallway using a sod cutter and my Kawasaki Mule to haul it to the compost piles.  It is good, hard physical work, and if I'm at least half sane I credit it with keeping me that way.

I started cleaning up the vegetable garden.  It is a huge task.  I'll plant mainly perennials and things I can reasonably consume this year, like lettuce and other greens.  This area has become a butterfly bush garden on its own and I'll think on how to transition it.  'Nothing wrong with a butterfly bush garden, I guess.