Tuesday, December 09, 2014


The cows have been cycled into the last pasture near the barns.  There's a lot of grass there which they are currently chomping down.

We've had a little snow, some freezing rain, and a good number of cold but sunny days.

The farm work shop is getting organized.  I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Many loads of cardboard and metal have been hauled to the recycle center.  Trash has been bagged.  "Lost" treasures have been found and located with items of similar function. 

I've gotten down to the nitty gritty of sorting screws into see-through containers, which is very tedious.  However, it will be nice to find just the right size and type when doing projects and repairs.  I now know where many power tools and hand tools are located.  The drawers are labeled.

I've got a short list of other indoor farmy projects to keep me busy during the Winter months.

Bear sightings are on the rise.  I haven't personally seen any yet this year, but some of the neighboring farmers have killed bears on their land.

I've only heard the coyotes screaming once so far.

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