Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The Young Virginia Creepers

Yep.  They're hugging the beejeepers out of all the crops growing on fences and on the ground.  Because it's June?  Well, yes.  This is the time for all toxic plants and bugs to emerge to temper the beauty and moderate temperatures which abound in late Spring.

The weather has been touchy.  As soon as some hay was cut, the rain, despite a "slight chance of showers" fell in buckets and rained out the raking and baling.  Neighbors all around the area have nicely baled hay sitting out in the intermittent rains and getting damaged.  Ours is just going to wait until a few dry days in a row before tedding and raking.  Thank goodness only a small field was cut.

Last night, the goats were "missing" and I had to go and see where they might be.  I drove through high grass and eventually walked up and down the hills, feeling that I was in alien territory, perhaps on another planet altogether.  It was impossible to see ahead to look for holes and stumbling places.  I finally located them, all in a tight bunch.  They just decided to camp out for the night, forgoing their grain rations.  This morning, they are close to the gate near the house, being quiet and as good as gold.  All 98 of them.

In the vegetable garden little golden zucchinis are on the bushes.  It will only be a couple of days before I can pick some.  Tomatoes have formed on the plants I put out early and new seedlings are introduced every chance I get.  Spinach and asparagus await dinners in the refrigerator.  Lettuces have been cut and cut again.  Black raspberries are developing and will soon turn color and blueberries as well.


CountryDew said...

We've had a terrible time with the weather. We should be getting ready for a second cutting and haven't managed a full first one yet. Too wet!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Hello Red Hen - I just found you by accident and how I laughed. I could have written the part about your hay crop.
We farm in the Yorkshire Dales in the UK and have just started to cut for silage. The first fields have been cut today and now the weather forecaster says it will rain tomorrow - that is after a fortnight of really sunny weather during which most of our neighbours have silaged and carted it in.
Do pop ovr and see me - we sound to have a lot in common.