It's June and we're having a few days of nice cool/warm weather. Despite a couple of good rain showers, the hay making is proceeding on schedule.
Although we're weeks from the Summer Solstice, it is daylight for a very long stretch each day. The sun is up around 4:30 a.m. and doesn't go down until around 9 p.m. I've noticed that the moon is shining or something is affecting the night sky, making it lighter than usual.
The daylilies are bursting out in bloom with their always surprising colors and configurations. Lettuces are harvestable. I've planted some more for continuous salad material. Cucumbers and squashes are beginning to flower and produce. I've been picking blueberries and black raspberries. A neighbor brought over a bucket of beautiful sour red cherries and the apricots are almost ready to pick. This morning's breakfast was cottage cheese with mixed berries and cherries.
If the low humidity holds today, I'll do some serious barn cleaning.
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