Saturday, June 09, 2012

Stalking the Wild Raspberry

Black raspberries are available for only a short time in the late Spring/early Summer.  They grow wild in shady spots which are usually on fence lines.  I know where they grow and that they are accessible after the first hay mowing in our pastures.

Yesterday, the morning was cool and refreshing before the beady eye of the sun burned off the fog.  I drove my little utility vehicle up to the hay field, as I do every other day.  A deer ran off, startled.  She was likely browsing on the tasty little berries.  They have delicate leaves and are not as thorny as blackberries.  I managed to pick a small container, then went down into my fenced garden where a couple of bushes have planted themselves next to upright supports.  There, probably because they get watered once in awhile, the berries are bigger and more abundant.

I added whatever blueberries were ripe to the container.

A young red cardinal was trapped within the bird netting cage that protects the blueberries (supposedly) from birds.  He kept flying into the netting in his panic at my presence.  I was able easily to pick him up and take a good look.  Nature is an artist.

I let him go outside of the netted cage and he flew off into the big arbor vitae, singing his mating song.  I’d like to think he was singing it to me in gratitude for letting him go free without harm.

One day soon, the black raspberries will shrivel and dry out, as will their leaves.  By then, the blackberries, which are hanging large and red, will have ripened and will want picking.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

June on the Farm

Click on images to enlarge.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Bathed in Light

It's June and we're having a few days of nice cool/warm weather.  Despite a couple of good rain showers, the hay making is proceeding on schedule.

Although we're weeks from the Summer Solstice, it is daylight for a very long stretch each day.  The sun is up around 4:30 a.m. and doesn't go down until around 9 p.m.  I've noticed that the moon is shining or something is affecting the night sky, making it lighter than usual.

The daylilies are bursting out in bloom with their always surprising colors and configurations.  Lettuces are harvestable.  I've planted some more for continuous salad material.  Cucumbers and squashes are beginning to flower and produce.  I've been picking blueberries and black raspberries.  A neighbor brought over a bucket of beautiful sour red cherries and the apricots are almost ready to pick.  This morning's breakfast was cottage cheese with mixed berries and cherries.

If the low humidity holds today, I'll do some serious barn cleaning.