Sunday, June 07, 2009

June is Berry Month

I picked the first eight red raspberries today. I ATE them all. They were very refreshing, and full of antioxidants.

All types of black raspberries and blackberries are loaded with blossoms.

Fruit hangs on all but the fig tree. It got zapped by the last surprise late frost.

There is a little spinach and some snow peas which I can pick tomorrow morning. The asparagus continue to bear.

If poke and Virginia creeper were cash crops, I'd be rich today. That stuff grows so fast that you could probably sit and watch it. 'Don't have time.

Beans and cucumbers want to grow right now. The cucumbers have started growing and have flowered and there are tiny fruits on the vines. I forgot how swiftly the plants grow and develop in June. Even an overwintered pepper plant has little fruits developing.

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