Saturday, April 25, 2009

90 Degrees

Yep. It was 90 degrees F. today. We zoomed right from Winter past Spring and into (hopefully) temporary Summer.

I'm exhausted from the Market and whatever farm chores I managed to get done.

Tinkie is back with the herd, having voluntarily walked through a gate held open for her. She's had her annual adventure. It's out of her system and she's back to normal.

Asparagus grew up during the hot day and I picked a good sized bunch this evening. We set up sprinklers in the vegetable garden area. After I rest up tonight, I'll probably feel like doing some outside work, but the grass needs to be cut again already.

The old house is shaping up nicely. Now that the interior plaster is repaired and rooms painted, I can clean and put furniture back. Soon, it will be ready for guests.


CountryDew said...

It was far too warm for April this weekend. said...

Philip had to cut our grass this weekend. Coco had done a good bit of the mowing, but she is rather uneven and spotty in her work. I need to speak to her about that.

Let's hope for more moderate temps today!