Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Late Summer

Some people love the heat of summer. Not me. When the humidity is this high, it is like breathing corn syrup.

So, I'm staying in a lot. An hour outside in the early morning or evening is about all I can take. I do what is necessary for the animals and turn on the sprinklers in the vegetable garden and I'm drenched in sweat and exhausted.

Inside, I'm catching up on cleaning, record keeping, cooking, and baking. Even the ironing basket is getting attention.

In the garden, tomatoes are forming nicely and beginning to ripen. Last year, I didn't have a single one. Basils are as big as bushes, beans continue to produce but are slowing down. New bean plants are developing in other areas of the garden. Some of the newly planted squashes look okay for now.

The pears and peaches have weighed down the trees. Pears sit on the kitchen counter under fly protectors. I check each day for ripe ones. Soon, I'll have to figure out how to accomodate peaches.

'Looking forward to a break in the weather and some needed rain. In the meantime, there is plenty to do inside.

1 comment: said...

I am with you on heat avoidance! We have a few pears on the tree. Patrick told me we should pick them soon and set out to soften. I never got basil in this year. Maybe I can barter you something for enough to make up some pesto! Gotta round everyone up to head out and butcher ducks. See ya Saturday!