I can feel it in my bones -- Spring is on the way. The daffodils are blooming in front of the greenhouse. We are having ups and downs of temperatures, and it looks like I better get the vegetable garden going. A deer-proof, rabbit-proof, turtle-proof fence is being build around the garden and I'm reluctant to waste seeds until the two ends are on it.
Baby goats with "Z" names continue to be born. I had to graduate the rest of the "Y"s in order to have enough room in the maternity barn. Little graduates follow their mothers to the pasture on the hill and the one in the valley. I can see from my window that they are running and playing in the sunshine.
I'm reading
Angela's Ashes
in between chores. I can't put it down for long. It's written in such a fresh sad and witty style.
Yeah spring! I love that book, along with his others. Amazing how he can get so much humor, horror and humanity all in one story. See ya, Ginger
Ooch, aye. I understand it was made into a movie with Pierce Brosnin. 'Sounds like an adult movie night.
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