The sun was a red disk when I woke up this morning. The kitchen is on the Eastern side of the house and I always look out at the sunrise as I grapple about for coffee. What this bodes, I don't know, but it is unusual.
A slight tilt of the planet has given us the first tugs and pulls of weather change for late summer. There are occasional days of lower humidity. We are promised slightly cooler temperatures for the weekend.
Plants respond immediately to the less roasting temps. They begin to flower again. The eggplant on the porch has six lavender blossoms promising fruit. The pepper plants are also blossoming. Four-O-Clocks in pots bloom in a variety of colors. Rose of Sharon and Hydrangeas are also displaying some nice flowers. The intense heat, however, seems to have negatively affected some plants which would normally be in bloom. Butterfly bushes, for instance, bloomed early this year but not as spectacularly as in some years.
Meanwhile, in the veg garden, tomatoes are ripening and we've already consumed a good amount. Peppers are large but still green. I've processed all the peaches. Now, apples and figs are ready to pick. This is keeping me busy in between other tasks.
Our cows have dropped three calves in the last month. The goat herd, which had a year off from producing young, are cavorting with a borrowed buck who has the status of rock star. He is always followed by a small cabal of groupies, which changes as they settle. We've agreed to keep him until October, so there will surely be births during the coldest months of winter. It will be interesting to see if there are any November births from the last buck. There didn't seem to be much activity when he was here, but you never know. Sometimes they can fool you.