Lucky for us, the day started with thunder and light rain. It appears it will end that way, too, although the middle of the day was overcast and dry.
Happy with rain yesterday, I quickly plugged in tomato seedlings in the plastic garden. Two more blueberry bushes which had been sitting on the porch were also planted in the garden. I'm thinking I'll concentrate on perennials and self-seeding plants. Shallots and fennel are prominent in the garden. Yesterday, I processed a big pot of purple beans. I didn't plant a single bean. I've already got enough frozen to last about two years.
The apricots are ripening at a rapid rate. I'm racing the birds and other critters to get my share. Processing is tedious but well worth the effort. I'm freezing the peeled and pitted fruit until the day I'll make jams.
Here is an idea of how the landscape looked after the recent rain:
Click on the image to enlarge.