A funny thing happened this week at the Lexington VA Farmer's Market. We participants are usually busy setting up, interacting with customers and keeping records of transactions.
A lady I'd met last week brought me two Pekin drakes to take to my pond, as she had too many and her sole duck was being overmated. They were in an old cage, and I put the two Bobs* in the shade in the adjoining empty parking space while I attended to business.
After a while, someone said, "Take a look at the ducks." I did and was surprised to see a class of preschoolers sitting on the curb to take a close look at the drakes without touching them. It seems that every kid who came to the market with the vendors or shoppers had been over to check them out. I even had several adults come over and ask questions about ducks. If we'd been allowed to sell livestock, I'm sure I could have sold them several times over.
They have now been integrated with my homebase pen of Pekin ducklings at the second pond. This morning, I let them all out with the geese and Runner ducks.
*All the drakes on my farm are named, Bob. That's because they do not quack like the ducks (females). They whisper, "bob bob bob."